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As a child of Foster Care and losing my birth parent at an early age, my life forced me to take the negative things of life and turn them into opportunities. To live a life that is not the cards you are dealt but learning how you play those cards

Life experiences have guided my focus to helping change people’s lives through encouraging others to turn negative situations into opportunities; To work hard and passionately, to have an impact on the life of myself and the lives of family, friends, co-workers, customers, vendors, and competitors that provides lifelong value and purpose; To continuously improve the method of delivery to accentuate the positive, and to learn daily.

I am the father of two beautiful girls, Dylan and Rylee, and married to an amazing woman, Danielle. My family keeps me grounded, humbled, appreciated, and loved. Words can never explain what my family means to me as I am today because of my family and their acceptance of who I am and holding me accountable for that. I hope that people can experience my love for my family because it’s life-changing.

I am the Chief Operating Officer at Nave Law Firm, a Central New York-based law firm that focuses on solving every day people problems through many areas of law. I am fortunate to work with a fantastic group of people who care about helping others and making a difference in the lives of our clients and our community.

I am also the Board President for the Central New York chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and serve on the national committee for Tomorrow’s Leaders, Cystic Fibrosis young professional program, designed to offer like-minded professionals leadership skills and networking opportunities. I give the foundation credit for saving my life and giving me perspective. A prospective that allowed me to have the mindset to push through adversity while appreciating the little things. The experience that I encountered with Cystic Fibrosis allowed me to have an open heart and mind, which allowed me to find my wife and build what, for me, is the perfect family.